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HMRC extends agent access to employer clients’ data


Published: 23 Aug 2021 Updated: 23 Sep 2021 Update History

HMRC is extending the private beta pilot service which gives agents access to liability and payments data in clients’ PAYE for employers accounts. ICAEW’s Tax Faculty explains the developments.

When asked by the Tax Faculty, ICAEW members in practice identify access to liability and payments data in clients’ PAYE for employers online accounts as a top priority.

HMRC introduced a private beta service with this functionality in 2016, but to date it has been limited to agents with fewer than 200 employer clients and fewer than 200 self assessment clients and fwer than 200 corporation tax clients and fewer than 200 VAT clients on the one set of agent credentials.

All agents are able to file employer forms and returns and view their PAYE for employers’ client list, tax codes, student loan and other notices in their Agent Online Services (AOS) account.

The pilot service (previously called AOSS) also allows agents to view employer liabilities and payments and HMRC is trialling webchat which can be accessed from the liabilities and payments pages. These additional features are only available to agents where they have been authorised by the client through the online service.

The private beta pilot is being extended and an additional 6,000 agents have already been invited into the service. From 23 August 2021 most agents with up to 500 employer clients will be invited to join the service when they sign into their AOS.

The Tax Faculty understands that there is a limit on the number of agents that will be invited each day.

Feedback from Tax Faculty members that already have access to the private beta service has been positive.

The Tax Faculty understands that, following an upgrade to the system, the data displayed to agents will now be exactly the same as that displayed to employers in their business tax account.

Building a better UK tax system

As HMRC embarks on a 10-year review of tax administration, ICAEW examines the potential opportunities and challenges to reforming the UK's tax system to be fit for a digital future.

Building a better tax system for the UK - the potential implications of HMRC's consultation on the Tax Administration Review Framework
View screenshots of service

HMRC has shared presentations and screenshots of the new online service to help agents.

Tax Faculty

This guidance is created by the Tax Faculty, recognised internationally as a leading authority and source of expertise on taxation. The Faculty is the voice of tax for ICAEW, responsible for all submissions to the tax authorities. Join the Faculty for expert guidance and support enabling you to provide the best advice on tax to your clients or business.

Changelog Anchor
  • Update History
    23 Sep 2021 (12: 00 AM BST)
    Updated to add presentations from HMRC including screenshots of the new service.
    25 Aug 2021 (12: 00 AM BST)
    The news story has been updated to clarify that access relates to liability and payments data, and to provide more information on the limits to client numbers.
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